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Our Articles, a platform for survival stories and a blog from past residents on how the safe house has changed their lives.


Safe House Stellenbosch took me at a time in my life when no one else would. I was physically, emotionally and mentally unrecognisable to myself and others. They helped stabilise me on every level and then began to build me up, educate me and love me. Most importantly I learnt to love myself.

The therapeutic team tackled my past through one on one sessions, they equipped my “present” state with groups on domestic violence, addiction, parenting classes and they skilled me for my future with first aid courses, knitting classes, exercise, train-the-trainer master’s course and paid for me to attend and complete my SANCA addiction counseling levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. I was even given the opportunity to plan and present community based addiction groups, as well as assisting with some in-house addiction groups.

Today I am happy, stable and busy with training for a new job. I experience complete freedom from my traumatic past that is priceless. My young son and I now have a relationship of which I am so proud. I often need to implement my “safety plan” (which i would not be able to live without) which was one of the biggest lessons the safe house taught me.

Safe House Stellenbosch thank you. Not only do you do your jobs with extra effort and love for which no one gets paid extra, it is also often at a high personal cost to your own private lives as there is no such luxury as a nine to five scenario when helping restore broken people.

Always grateful.