In this world where there is always advancing technology, you can find an App for almost everything. There must be something out there that can help those in emergency situations, especially for women and children exposed to domestic violence. So, let’s have a look at some new App developments that can be used to help those in domestic violence situations.

The POWA GBV App was developed by People Opposing Women Abuse, a South African NGO. Women can now easily get in contact with emergency services including ambulances, police as well as social services. The App is specifically aimed at Gender-Based Violence crimes, helping those in emergency situations. It can be downloaded for free from both the Google Store as well as the Apple Itunes Store.
Women Safety
This free App sends out an alert once you have pressed the panic alert button. The App then notifies your chosen contacts about your location. The Women Saftey App also takes two pictures using the phone, one from the front of the phone and the other from the back. It can also take an audio or video recording, which is then saved on a separate server. There is also an update status option, which allows you to keep your loved ones informed.
Watch Over Me App
This App is great for those who feel they are going into or are in a dangerous place. The App allows loved ones or your contacts to follow your whereabouts. The App will track your location and has many other features. One of these features is an emergency ‘panic button’. It is even better than a button, all you do is shake the phone in order to alert somebody that you are in danger. Watch Over Me is a good App to have at home as well as on the move.
Bull Horns
This is an easy to use panic button, which can be installed onto any smartphone. Once activated the App will notify security services, police, as well as a few personal contacts. These contacts will then be sent an SMS alert and your location. The Bull Horns Panic Button App is free to download to Android and Apple phones.
A few other features including:
- Notifications of crime in your area
- You can report crimes yourself
- View high crime areas displayed on a map
- Contains pre-loaded emergency numbers

This free App, as with most, has a GPS tracking function which informs emergency services as well as contact of your location. The Namola App can be used in an emergency situation from Domestic Violence to break-in’s and car- hijackings.
iER – Integrated Emergency Response
Turn your phone into a panic button with the iER App. The closest emergency services will be alerted to your situation and location. Chosen family and friends will also be notified of your emergency. The App allows you to put in vital information for the emergency services, such as your blood type, medical aid and next of kin etc. When open, you will notice there is more than one Panic or SOS button. There are buttons for if you need medical attention, the police, or even things like plumbers. Providing you with the best and most appropriate services sent out to your emergency.
This is a paid service App that can be used on any device connected to a network. Their main feature acts like a ‘Virtual Witness’ The MiBlackBox App allows you to easily record audio, pictures and videos when you find yourself in an emergency situation. You can use the app in cases where you are involved in a car accident, at roadblocks, or any situation where you feel unsafe and threatened. The App also acts as a panic button, which will then notify emergency contacts.