When we think of domestic violence, most of us conjure up images of men abusing women. The truth is domestic violence can happen to anybody. From men abusing women to women abusing men, it can even exist between a child and a
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In today’s world, we are all exposed to many negative things from stories on the news to violent movies and video games. All of these images can easily frighten and confuse young minds. Take movies, for example, many can contain scenes depicting
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Domestic violence is a huge problem around the world, but how is it treated in different countries? Studies have shown that at least one out of three women around the world, experience some form of domestic violence in their life. What are
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There are many forms that domestic abuse can take, the most obvious two are physical and verbal abuse. Unfortunately, there are also more subtle forms of abuse, such as economic abuse. ‘Domestic abuse goes beyond physical harm’ What is Economic Abuse? Like
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There are quite a few definitions on what a family should be, it can just be categorised as a unit consisting of parents and children living together in the same house. But a family is much more than that, it is a
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In this world where there is always advancing technology, you can find an App for almost everything. There must be something out there that can help those in emergency situations, especially for women and children exposed to domestic violence. So, let’s have
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Social media, it comes in a variety of forms from the most popular like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to things like blogs, business networks and forums. Those who are active online within these social media platforms each and every month reach into billions
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Over the years, many children and women have gone missing, but it seems that this problem is getting worse and worse as the years go by. You would be shocked and horrified at the actual number of people who go missing every
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Elsa joined the Safe House team in October last year. Since then, her contagious passion for what she does has touched each and every person at Safe House – residents, staff and volunteers alike. In her own words, Elsa admits that she
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Alice Wilton (45) joined the Safe House team at the end of September 2018. Even though this is a busy period for Safe House and she is still setting in, she found the time to tell us a bit more about herself.
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